Atlanta Court Reporting – Joining the “Family Business”, the Janice Baker Firm.
Hello, I’m Janna Szeto with Janice S. Baker & Associates. I handle all of the production and sales for the firm. I just wanted to take the time to jot down a few things I’ve learned along the way in the court reporting business. So I will go first and in the weeks to come […]
Atlanta Court Reporter | Remote Deposition Streaming
Janice S. Baker & Associates, Atlanta court reporters providing real time court reporting and court deposition and transcription services is now providing Remote Counsel services. The North Georgia Deposition Services platform provides universal compatibility for remote attendance from anywhere in the world into one of our eight locations for remote deposition in Atlanta, ANY of […]
Benefits of Using a Court Reporting Firm
Atlanta Court Reporting Since 1983 | 404-969-1206 Securing court reporting and coordinating depositions is never as straight forward as it may appear. There are many considerations. Time is really at a premium and lawyers, paralegals, and legal secretaries all have very specific needs and jobs to accomplish correctly. Add to the mix out of state […]
Benefits of Atlanta Realtime Court Reporting
Georgia Attorneys are quickly learning that Atlanta based realtime court reporting services can provide them with the ability to represent their clients with the highest level of accuracy and efficiency possible. When combined with any of the industry’s cutting edge litigation support software, realtime court reporting can provide an almost unfair advantage in many areas […]